RuboCop is a code style enforcer (a.k.a linter) and code formatter based on the community-driven Ruby Style Guide.

The rules to be followed are placed in the .rubocop.yml file. Each rule to be enforced is a Cop, and it can have its behaviour changed and even desactivated if necessary.

Other than Ruby, RuboCop also provides gems for implementing rules on various extensions such as Rails, RSpec.

Setting up RuboCop

  1. Add the following lines to your Gemfile
group :development, :test do
  gem "rubocop" # for ruby specific rules
  gem "rubocop-rails", require: false # for rails specific rules
  gem "rubocop-rspec", require: false # for rspec specific rules

What does require: false means?

  1. Run bundle install to install the newly added gems

  2. Run gem install rubocop to install rubocop globally

    • This will help us to execute commands provided by the rubocop gem, like auto-formatting, running rubocop in the project.

Adding Configuration the File(s)

You can add all rules to a .rubocop.yml file:

touch .rubocop.yml

Although, it is also possible to have individual files for each RuboCop specific extension, like .rubocop-rails.yml and .rubocop-rspec.yml. If you decide to follow that path, remember to inherit those files in your .rubocop.yml:

  - '.rubocop-rails.yml'
  - '.rubocop-rspec.yml'

What should go in .rubocop.yml?

It’s pretty common for organizations to define their own custom .rubocop.yml file. For instance, Shopify has their own RuboCop template that is based on the Ruby Style Guide.

I’d advise to start with a straigthforward template that you can tailor to your needs. When I was setting up my first RuboCop configuration file, I used the two templates below as a guides:

  1. ChaelCodes/ConfBuddies .rubocop.yml

  2. CampusCode sample .rubocop.yml

    • Since this one is writen in pt-BR, I’ve included the translated file below:
  - rubocop-rails

# It's common from projects to have a *.rubocop_todo.yml* file.
# If your project does not have one, you can remove the line below.
  - .rubocop_todo.yml

# Update the Ruby version to match the one being used in your project. 
# You can also include files and/or folders that should not be checked by RuboCop.
 TargetRubyVersion: 2.6
   - 'bin/**/*'
   - 'vendor/**/*'
   - 'db/**/*'
   - 'config/**/*'
   - 'script/**/*'
   - 'spec/rails_helper.rb'

# If your project is well tested, there is no need to allow comments
# throughout out your code.
 Enabled: false

# This is a controverse Cop, because it can improve your project's performance.
# It will be a default configuration on Ruby 3.
# If you do not with to enable it, just remove the lines below.
 Enabled: false

# We usually write lots of lines of code in test files.
# Therefore, it's a good idea to not set a limit for that.
 ExcludedMethods: ['describe', 'context', 'feature', 'scenario', 'let']

# This is RuboCop's standard for line length.
# Feel free to change it, if you think it's necessary.
  Max: 80

# This is another controverse Cop.
# If you feel that sometimes it can be necessary to write comments in your
# code that use accents and non ascii characters, you'll need to leave that cop disabled.
  Enabled: false

How to Run RuboCop?

The rubocop command can be run in 4 main different ways:

  • Project
  • Folder
rubocop app/models
  • File
rubocop app/models/book.rb
  • List of file(s) and folder(s)
rubocop spec lib/something.rb

How to Run Specific Auto-Corrections?

There are a bunch of ways to run auto-correction commands, but as a beginner to RuboCop I’ve found it safer to manually fix the offenses or run the command bellow to fix the more straightforward ones.

rubocop --auto-correct-all --only Style/StringLiterals

How to Start with RuboCop in Large Code Bases?

If you are working on a legacy code base and want to add RuboCop to it, it is a good idea to use rubocop --auto-gen-config. That command creates both a .rubocop.yml and .rubocop_todo.yml file, where the latter needs to be inherited on the the former, like so:

  - .rubocop_todo.yml

The generated .rubocop_todo.yml contains the offenses found in your project, which have been disabled and/or excluded, so you can fix them and then cut and paste the configuration into .rubocop.yml at your own pace. There is no need to move all of it, but only what you think is aligned with your organization’s or team’s code style.


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